A little preparation can go along way in not only extending the life of your AC unit, but also saving you money on your electric bill, and making sure the unit is operating at peak performance during the hot summer months.
It is a simple DIY project, that includes:
- Inspect filters: When is the last time your changed your filter? The filter cleans the air as it enters the cooling system and prevents dust, environmental irritants, and allergens from entering your home. As the filter wears out over time, the air flow becomes blocked and your systems become less efficient. This causes your system to work harder but not better. You will see a spike in your electric bill and your home will be less cool. Most filters are inexpensive, recyclable, and easily replaced. Your unit may even have a reusable filter, which you can wash as needed.
- Cleaning outside condenser: The condenser transfers heat outdoors. Remove any debris, such as dirt, leaves, or plants obstructing the condenser vents which the air comes into your house. If these are not clean then air will not come through as well as it should. This means that the unit will stay on longer to cool your home, driving up the cost to cool your home and added excess stress on your unit
- Constant flow of air: Covering supply registers or return grilles with furniture or other items will block continuous airflow and cause the unit to run longer to cool the rooms.
As a homeowner, this is a fairly simple DIY projects. However, it is advisable to hire a professional HVAC technician for preventative maintenance.
The technician will clean and repair the parts of your system that fall outside of the DIY project, such as:
- Checking the condensate pans and drains for blockage
- Reviewing the efficiency of your duct system
- Adjusting refrigerant levels and looking for and repairing leaks
- Repairing damaged insulation on the ducts
- Cleaning the condenser coils
- Removing dust and dirt from the evaporator coils and fins
- Inspecting the electrical connections
Have questions? Feel free to contact us at 1-877-569-4822 Monday-Friday; 8-5 Mountain Time